Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Time passes very quickly. Perhaps this is my own assumption because 92 years have passed since my birth in Istanbul.
I feel grateful to Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic. Atatürk actualized many reforms for the benefit of Turkey and the women: Men and women had equal rights before the law; the women got the right to vote before the Europeans.
The leadership of Atatürk was accepted by the people. He was not a monarch. He was always in touch with the people and lived in a simple but dignified building in Çankaya, Ankara. He spent his life with qualified friends who joined him to actualize the reforms. A new education system with the Turkish alphabet and modern schools where girls and boys together in the same class easily learned to read and write was established. Young women could choose their profession and begin to work in official positions. Women were always important. As mothers they were the roots of new generations who had an important role in the progress of Turkey. Many factories in every part of the country also showed that we were on the right road.
At those times people were in good terms with each other. There was strong friendship. Neighbors were like members of the same family. These past days are not a dream; we have lived through them.
Now we are in the twenty first century. Instead of getting better we have lost many of our good qualities. Our neighbors and friends have left Turkey to live in other countries. (We still miss them.)

Nowadays, selfishness is more important than good behavior. Humanity is forgotten and ambitions come before everything else. And bad habits, swindling theft, and cheating are very much on the go. But wars, terrorism, crimes, and hatred for women frighten me more than anything else. Maybe I am alone on this subject. Perhaps this condition should not concern me very much as an old and blind woman, but sometimes I feel that having gone through many joyful and happy events during my youth, I am unfair towards the unhappy victims of crime of every age and gender. I hope that events of this kind which people experience every day will end soon and that life will become a means of happiness again.

Ms. Nihal Erem    

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

MARCH 18, 1915
… Now they all sleep side by side in Çanakkale in peace.

Why so many young Anzak Soldiers came to our nativeland?
For whose sake the members of the Anzak Army left their own countries and their families behind? Were there many people in Australia and New Zealand, who heard the name of Çanakkale, a town in Turkey, found on the shore of Dardanelles?
They would understand what it means to die alone in a far away country, fighting for an unfair war. They were almost involuntarily dragged to fight for another nations passion to occupy new territories; but they would see the result of the oppression, because this time the nation against them was ready to defend their native land and to sacrify everything.

Their notion was: “Either live in Freedom or Die”.

 The occupying forces did not pity the soldiers, their aim was to possess and to extinguish, but to pass through Çanakkale was not so easy. Those who attacked hoped to win; they have been wrong and did not succeed. They have faced an unexpected defeat and loss. The whole nation, under the leadership of “Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk” was ready for a final war of independence and Çanakkale was the beginning. All men fought face to face; some to defend their country, the others to occupy. Now they all sleep side by side in Çanakkale in peace.

Today as the result of their bravery we live in a republic. We are proud of our Turkish Veterans.
Oh God! Let us not meet again with such a sorrow. I remember them with prayers.
Oh God! Let your mercy be upon them.

Those young Anzak Soldiers were unaware of the reason of this war; they were told it was for the benefit of their own country.

103 years passed since then.
We are in 21st Century and we are still shedding tears for the war veterans.
Unfortunately the humankind is not mature enough to find solutions to end the wars among the nations since the human ambition is stronger than any moral values.

All the nations of the world have to get together to come up with a peace law which has to be  obeyed by them all. Only then the feelings of love, pity, mercy, friendship and kindness will unite the people to the same direction. The soft and sweet sound of happiness they will leave behind will be the best musical composition.



Onca genç (Anzak) askeri...
Ne uğruna vatanımıza geldi?
Herhangi bir Avustralyalı
Bilir miydi Çanakkale’nin adını?
Yahut da saf bir Anadolu ninesi
Anarak eski bir hadiseyi,
Uzak ellere gönderir mi torununu?
Ancak saldırıdan kurtarmak için Anadolu’yu.
Göze alır her fedakârlığı. Çünkü bu ulusun ilkesidir inanır.
Ve “Ya istiklal ya ölüm” der.
Feda eder kanını işgalci acımasız gençlere. Sahip olmaktır onun ilk ve son dileği. Girdiği yeri sömürür. Sanır ki her zaman kolay olur o iş “Çanakkale’den geçiş öyle değildir.” Denir. Saldıranlar umdular.
Ama yanıldılar başaramadılar.
Beklemedikleri yenilgi ve sert bir dirençle karşılaştılar. Bu tepki ile büyük kayıplara uğradılar. Bütün ulus genç, yaşlı, kadın, erkek atılım yaptı. Bu bir başlangıç oluyordu.
Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk idaresinde vatan için göğüs göüse çarpışarak şehit olanların sayesinde bugün bir bağımsız Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı olmakla ve kurucumuz olan Atatürk’le övünüyoruz.
Bu ulusa göstermesin Ey Rab öyle bir acı daha.
Yaşasın Cumhuriyetimiz huzur içinde ileriye.
Fakat ya o genç Anzak askerleri, bilmeden savaşın gerçek nedenini öldüler başka ihtiraslar uğruna. Vatanlarından, ailelerinden de uzakta yalnız, vatanını koruyanların karşısında yabancı toprakta, 103 yıl geçti aradan o savaştan beri.
Ve Atatürk’ün yürekten dediği gibi can veren Anzak askerleri de kaynaştılar. Huzur içinde yatıyorlar yan yana. Evet aradan bir asır geçti. Üç yıl fazlası var. Şehitlerimiz unutulmuyor.

Şimdi (21’inci) yüzyıldayız. Yine onlar için göz yaşı döküyoruz. Ama ne yazık ki, dünya henüz uluslar arasında savaşları durduracak, kan dökülmesini önleyecek çareleri uygulayacak kadar olgunlaşmadı. Her toplumun koşulsuz uyacağı barış yasaları üretilemedi.

Çünkü insan hırsı; sevgi, şefkat, birlik beraberlik gibi barışı getirecek duyguların önüne geçiyor. Oysa, insanlığın geride bırakacakları mutluluğun yumuşak ve tatlı sesi, en iyi müzik kompozisyonu olabilir.