Friday, December 30, 2016


İyiler olsa da, pek çok acı olaylar yaşadığımız 2016 senesi yarın geçmişe mal olacak.

Hesaplaşmasını tarih ve yeni kuşaklar yapacak.

Ben ilerleyen yaşıma rağmen hayattan uzak değilim. Çünkü bilim insanlarının araştırmaları sonucu bulunan bir ekranla okuyup yazabiliyorum.

Bu durum eğitimde çağdaş bilimin ve teknolojinin önemini vurgulayan en gerçek kriterlerden biri…
İnsanlar 15-20 yıla kadar Mars gezegeninde kuracakları koloni için orada yaşam koşullarına uyum sağlama deneylerini yapmaktalar. Hayal etmek bile heyecan veriyor.

Bugün 31 Ocak Cumartesi 3 gün önce Sayın Yılmaz Özdil’in, Sözcü gazetesindeki köşe yazısını okudum.

Ben ne bir ekonomist, ne bir sosyolog veya siyaseyçi veya fanatik partiliyim. Bu ilginç yazıda büyük başarıyla, basite indirgenmiş, yönetim sistemlerini öğrendim, yararlandım. Kendisine çok teşekkür ediyorum.

Bu çobanlık felsefesi beni düşünmeye, kendi çapımda anlamaya yöneltti. Ve aklıma şu soru geldi.

Acaba her çobanın iki ineği olacak yerde tek bir ineği bulunsa ve onu kendi sorumluluğu altında gütse, diğerlerine göz koyup ortalığı karıştırmasa ve böylece bütüne zarar verilmese daha doğru olmaz mıydı?

Sadece yaşlı bir kadının ütopik düşüncesinin sonucu olan bu soru, çok mu anlamsız diye merak ediyorum.

Kendim için değilse bile torunlarım ve toruncuklarımın kuşaklarından geleceklere, tüm uluslara, ahlaka, ileriye yönelik bilgiye, uygarlığa, yurtta ve cihanda barışa, bir huzur dönemine girmeyi ümid edebilir miyim?

Bu akşam adım atacağımız 2017 yılının, bütün İNSAN’lık alemine, vatanımıza, maddi manevi sağlık, mutluluk, sevgi ve birlik çağının kapısını açacak, hayırlı bir başlangıç olmasını diliyorum.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

bazı bölümler ve ilâhilerin

The Theological Compilations
Din Bilgini Sayın Ömer Fevzi Mardin
tarafından yazılan bazı kitaplarının

Basım Allahın Hilkatle Muradı 1950
Allahı tanıtan
İsimler ve sıfatlar 1952
Kitap ehli ailesi
Allah mefhumu
Başlangıçtaki Fikir

Din Bilgisi

Mes’ut Ayfer beye yardım
The names and the attributes that define GOD
The Family of
‘The people of the Book’
The concept of GOD
The initial Idea
The knowledge of
Religion 2007

About  Reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin

Reverend Ö. F. Mardin who was a descendant of the Holy Prophet MOHAMMED, was a pious and devout ‘Man of GOD’.
He was a profoundly learned spiritual teacher of the Turkish
Tasavvuf, which means Islamic Sufism.
He was born in May 6th 1878 in Kızıltoprak Istanbul.
His mother was Zarife Hanım. And his father was Mehmet Arif Bey, who was the General Governor of Syria during the Ottoman Empire. He sent his son to the Military School, where he obtained a good education. And became an officer in the army.
He could speak French, German, Arabic and Percian fluently.
He received an intense religious culture in his family.
And later with the teachings of the leaders of sufism, he
studied and classified the divine books. (The Holy KORAN, The Holy BIBLE with the Old Testament), together with the sayings of the Prophet Mohammed.
As an enlightened person who attained correct knowledge on Religion and the concept of GOD, He wrote many books about Theology. Most of them were published by ‘The Theological Compilations Society’ which was found by himself; and were distributed.
To enlighten the people about: ‘Love of GOD’, ‘Affection between people’, and ‘Unity in the world’ he attended conferences in various countries.
He educated people with his books and through his efforts.
Reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin passed away in ‘March
1st 1953. His Tomb is in Karacaahmet, Üsküdar, Istanbul.

The translator’s note:

Now, in July 2016, I am the only one alive, who knows reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin, personally.
So I think that, it is a moral duty, to write about my impressions.
When I first met reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin, I was a young girl. Although a graduate of ‘English High School’ in Istanbul, I was following my studies with my private teacher, Miss Adeline Dekkers.
Then, Mr. Mesut Ayfer, had tried to translate a book, written by Ö. F. Mardin. But his English was not sufficient. So Mr. Mardin told us to read the manuscripts, and if necessary, to change the misunderstandings.
This was like a sign given to me.

Later on when Mr. Mardin finished writing his book, ‘Esma-I Hüsna’ [The beautiful names and the attributes of GOD] gave me the permission and the duty to translate it.
This was a great responsibility. I began to work.
But somehow I could not go on to fulfill reverend Mardin’s order. Years passed by feeling uneasy for my neglecting my obligation involuntarily.

Finally in 1998, I felt that my eyesight was diminishing.
But then, luckily I met Asuman Diker Bakır. She helped me,
willingly. And I began again to work.
I already had ‘The Old Testament and the Bible’
And Korans in English and various dictionaries.
While working, I understood that some Turkish or Arabic words do not exist in English. Some similar words or expressions
do not convey the correct meaning.
So I tried to do my best, to be true to the original text,
And to the composition of the sentences.
In spite of all these difficulties and handicaps, I continued to translate. Because I believed that this was a moral obligation for me.
            Among them, there are the ones, such as: ‘Ehli Kitap Ailesi’ [The family of ‘people of the book’] ‘Allah Mefhumu’
[The Concept of GOD] and ‘Esma-I Hüsna’ [The beautiful
names and the attributes of GOD]
            This was a personal satisfaction. Otherwise I had no intention to publish or to distribute them.
            Until Asuman’s father Mr. Yaşar Diker, prompted me, to let the manuscripts be printed to become a few number of very simple books, to be shared with friends who were interested in this subject. Mr. Yaşar Diker undertook all the tiresome difficulties of such a job.
            I sincerely thank Mr. Diker for his efforts, and his daughter Asuman Diker Bakır for her help.
            Most probably, in these books there are spelling mistakes in printing, but, the errors in English and
misinterpretations are mine. I beg pardon from
the readers who will notice me to these, with my thanks. Also I hope that the intelligence and the tolerance of the readers will cover them.
            If we turn back again to 1950ies, Reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin had allowed us, to visit him. He was living in a small rented flat, on the third floor of a house in Çukurbostan, Kadıköy, Istanbul.
            Climbing up, an outdoor staircase, one reached to the entrance. Inside there was a small hall, where a table and two chairs stood.

            From the hall, one entered into the chamber that belonged to Reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin.
It was a rectangular, but nearly a square room, with sufficient dimensions.
            As one came in, in front of the wall, on one’s left, stood a narrow but high wardrobe. Next to it there was Mr. Mardin’s personal divan.
            On that wall above, (The Battleship Hamidiye’s flag) was kept, in its special case.
            Just on the right corner of the door, there was the stove. In front of the wall ‘behind the stove’ a second divan took place.
            On the wall opposite to the entrance, windows were built. In front of them there stood three armchairs. Reverend Mardin’s own armchair was standing almost in the middle of the room; with its back turned, towards the door.
So, he could talk, face to face with the visitors. And could write on the table which stood in front of him.
            On his right next to the table there was a small and low stand on which, sharpened pencils, the coloured ones, and writing utensils waited to be used. On the left side wall, stood a bookshelf where Mr. Mardin could reach easily.
And on the corner across there was the radio. Where he could listen to the daily news carefully. It was important.

            Within the peaceful atmosphere of this plain room reverend Ö. F, Mardin accepted his visitors and talked about different subjects as well as religious knowledge that he had attained as he studied the three Holy Books;
The Torah the Bible and the Koran.
To sip a cup of delicious tea, offered during the conversation without waiting anything in return was more valuable than many other expensive feasts.
            Reverend Mardin expected and wanted to hear questions from his guests. He also listened to their ideas.

            Reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin was not a fanatic scholar.
He was a mature open minded expert who had acquired valuable knowledge about religion.
            He had investigated and compared the contents of the three Holy Books, sent by GOD through His prophets. He had studied their regulations and their rules, concerning the notions about the same subjects. Reverend Mardin saw that the statements were in accordance. Then he concluded that GOD’s basic aim in sending religion and the Books, was to increase the love  and the attachment among all his creatures either as living ones or the nature which is the source of life.
            GOD let them share, without any selfishness HIS blessings all over the world and in the universe. GOD also warned the people against the unchained human ambition that can end with danger or in horror. Life was an offered gift to be lived altogether in good terms, as the members of a big family. Humans were not enemies, wherever or whoever they might be.
            So reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin classified impartially, the common subjects, that took place in these Holy Books, accordings to the period they were sent and the severeness of the orders. But during the ages humanity was growing up mentally and spiritually.
            As reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin believed in the Laws of evolution of GOD he was sure that humans would gradually progress in future towards maturity. This might take centuries long. To quicken this period, first of all one had to be a responsible individual.
            Among all the created beings on the world only the humans are donated with a conscious mind who is beware of the results of the behaviours and the activities in life.
            According to GOD humanity is like the members of a big family. Therefor to work to establish affection and friendship between the people and the nations was important.
            So reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin wrote his books pointing to the fact, that to keep the world in peace and in order, is a duty and an obligation for evry bady.
            And to insure this, besides his own attempts to inform the people about the reality of religion which is basically love and virtue, he inserted in his books, the sayings and the verses found in the Torah the Bible and the Koran.
            Hoping that his efforts will be appreciated by sincere believers and the readers…

                                                                                                Nihal Erem
                                                                                               July 27th 2016
                                                                                       Akasya Sağlık Merkezi
                                                                                              Maltepe Istanbul

AN INWARD PRAYER IN RHYME (1)                           

Written by:   Ömer Fevzi Mardin
(Part 1)
While thinking over the reality.
And about everything’s quality.
Oh my GOD! I have known.
That, I am not of my own.

YOU created every particle of my being.
YOUR favor is the light of my feeling.
Looking at YOU, I swoon with awe.
And towards YOURSELF, YOU draw.
YOU are the focus of my soul.
I am attracted to YOU, as my goal.
As if in rupture, I always turn.
Because admiring YOU, I burn.

I have nothing. Only YOU exist.
Beauty is not found, if YOU don’t show it.
All this vast emptiness, that is in view.
Is formed and created by YOU.

                    (Part 2)
Oh my GOD! YOU own me with all my being.
Everything that I have, is YOUR giving.
With all my soul and all my body.
I belong to YOU, completely.

YOU are the master of my every day.
I am not independent of what YOU say.
YOU dominate all my ideas and my mind.
Not to be an idle mankind.

YOU guide all my achievements.
And I am not left with empty hands.
YOU are the owner of all my heart.
So I am not vacant nor from YOU apart.

I have nothing that belongs to me
Neither inside nor outside of my body,
Disdaining all my pride, I willingly leave,
Myself to YOU to be YOUR faithful slave…

By: Reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin
-Written in Turkish-


By Ömer Fevzi Mardin

(Part -1)
Only on YOU I trust.
Solely with YOU I boast.
YOU are the unique GOD I want.
Grief and gloom is nowhere.

As if thirsty, I yearn for YOUR face.
As if hungry I ask for YOUR grace.
I love YOU more as I recite in peace.
The taste of such food is nowhere.

Not the air but YOUR strength,
I inhale with every breath.
I am supported with YOUR wealth.
And such satisfaction is nowhere.

YOUR light surrounds my soul.
And caresses my body as a whole.
The rupture I find in YOU is all.
Is there such life anywhere?

          (Part -2)
YOUR own hand is above mine.
Besides my mind. YOU are my eye.
YOU are the essence of my life.
Is there such existence anywhere?
An inseparable closeness.
A relation that is endless.
YOUR sentence goes on ceaseless.
Is there such friendship anywhere?

HIS servant is not left behind. Never.
Holding his arm, HE leads him together.
HE is not tired of one or another.
Is there such a MASTER anywhere?

YOU are always in my mind.
I am forever in YOUR sight.
All around me, YOU enlight.
Is there darkness anywhere?

          (Part -3)
I am bound to YOU since eternity.
The flames in my heart are sturdy.
As long as I keep them within me.
Is there any fear anywhere?

Until my fire extinguishes,
And the embers turn to ashes.
And before my life finishes.
Is there peace and repose anywhere?

As I long for YOU, inwardly I burn.
Then, I sooth my heart in turn,
By reciting YOUR name with yearn.
Is there such satisfaction anywhere?

YOUR order is always in my mind.
To work obeying YOU is my standard.
To succeed, YOU lead me forward.
Is there such a job anywhere?

 (Part -4)
As your grace fills my inside.
And I am with YOU interwind.
I wait YOUR consent to be united.
Is there anyone, who knows when?

As soon as I found YOU, blissfully.
In wonder, I lost my personality.
And I searched for myself inwardly.
Tell me. My identity is where?

There is one BEING. The others are absence.
The aim is to reach ONE. The rest is useless.
Since creation we struggle with eagerness.
Is there tranquility or repose anywhere?

Suffering means separation. Nothing else
Trouble is to lose unity, with distress.
Passion is an excuse to ask for excess.
Is there more sorrow anywhere?

I follow YOU with every step,
And go on this path with Your help.
Without a rest nor a sound sleep.
Is there fatigue anywhere?

Nobody can try to reduce,
Our zeal to produce.
The things that no one can refuse.
Is there such order anywhere?

                  (Part -5)
My GOD! Except YOU, no one can satisfy me.
I am always attracted to YOU; happily.
But, if YOU leave my heart empty.
How can I fill it anywhere?

Being YOUR servant, gives me happiness.
My gratitude and my thanks express.
My pride in attaining YOUR kindness.
Is there such favour, anywhere?

It is YOU who will save me easily.
Curing the wounds with tendency.
No one but YOU owns this mercy.
Is there such pity anywhere?

All power is in YOUR hand.
In front of YOU sufferers stand.
Eyes look at YOU and demand.
Is there hope anywhere?

Reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin
Written in Turkish

By reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin

(A few remarks, with the opportunity of a verse found in, The HOLY KORAN, about bowing down to GOD.)

            Oh my GOD!
            Thinking over this Holy Verse. I understood that,
every creature whether small or big and every material or spiritual being, bows down to YOU according to its
condition. Every place is suitable to bow down and to
worship YOU.
            Like the sunshine that falls down all day long, on to the ground, to worship YOU, And the shadow of every creature, who don’t want to raise itself from bowing down to YOU.
            Like the full moon that spreads its light onto the sea, in order to adore its matchless CREATOR.
            The eyes look at this wonderful spectacle of worship in enchantment. They share this submission, and join to it in admiration.
            The surface of the sea becomes a glittering environment for the souls to bow down to YOU.
            The shadow of every tree.
Is like its prayer mat where it bows down.
            Many created beings enjoy the cool weather there.
The comforted beings fill the shadowy meadows with their worships, praises and thanks. On the branches the birds perch, and under them small or big creatures the animals and human beings altogether rest, with gratitude.

            Oh my GOD!
Is there anywhere that is not under YOUR wings? Or anyone who is not in YOUR arms? Is there any place that is not YOUR Temple or YOUR [THRONE of JUDGEMENT]? Everyone needs YOUR favor.
            The moth that perishes, trying to reach at YOUR light, the ant that dies in the honey jug, hoping to find YOUR taste there, could only be fed with YOUR satisfaction.
            How well said YOUR Moroccan Servant: “ Oh my GOD! YOU hid the honey, and set free the flies in the desert. All of Them are waiting with yearn!”
            What is this beauty of the trees that are ornated like a bride? What is the fragrance of the flowers that madden the butterflies and that turn all bugs crazy with attraction? This is such an enchantment, that before one finds the time to think about it, he is in the ecstasy of this divine beauty, Wonderful sights, colors, perfumes are found in all nature.
            Oh my GOD!
            What a strong attraction?!
            Which spirit or soul can resist this? Don’t everyone of these manifestations prove YOUR might? There is no need for ideas, words or orders. Don’t YOUR vitality surround every particle of
every created being? Don’t they belong to YOU?
            Don’t they reflect YOUR beauty?
Surely they are a means of showing YOUR greatness.
            So, to demonstrate YOUR perfection, YOUR power YOUR beauty, all YOUR love and mercy, that YOU essentially own, become the reason of CREATION.

            The plants that open their hearts to the sky, send their shadows onto the earth. And make their bodies a shrine for thousands of insects and butterflies. They spread their leaves as prayer mats, for the bugs.
            The human eyes unconsciously witness this worship and heartily join to the prayer.
Oh my GOD!
            What is YOUR aim in attracting all the creatures, to approach to one another?
            And this gravity that pulls the branches together?
Every flower is bound to its root. Each leaf holds its stem.
            What is the essence of this irresistible attraction?
Is it the reason of such activity, prosperity and a balance that is found, all oven the universe? Does it affect every thing in life?
            What is the reality that enchant the soul by enlivening? On the other side it scatters all beings around to be collected again?
            What is the meaning of this gravity?
It holds this world and the stars in suspense while it makes them able to move in their orbits in space.
            Oh my GOD! What is it?
Is it YOUR interest and love for us?
Yes my GOD! Yes!
But let us also be faithful and worthy of YOUR love.
Let the period of maturity approach.
            My GOD! Let us realize the concept of love in our lives. Kindly accept our belief in YOUR ETERNAL LOVE,
that is the base of life. Let us live for YOU and work for YOUR servants on the world, for YOUR sake.
In order to live properly let us learn the necessity, to love every living or material being as a trust from YOU. Let us care and be useful for them.
Let us recite hymnes to express our admiration for YOU, and our gratitude for being a servant of YOU.

            Oh my GOD! All this universe is a scene to expose YOUR might and YOUR beauty. How wonderful it is, for the eyes who can see this The marvelous attraction, found among all created beings is the result of YOUR divine LIGHT and YOUR LOVE. This essential LOVE and YOUR wish to be known, induced YOU, to create. These manifestations are due to YOUR original wisdom.
            YOU filled the universe with YOUR breath-taking beauties. They are a maddening spectacle. YOUR greatness affects one, as to bow down in front of YOU with awe.  This is the truth.
            Actually many human beings are not aware of the fact that: [All these, are ‘THE VELLED EXTERNAL FACE’ of YOUR existence.] Some people are as if in deep sleep. Some others can see, only the material side of life. They cannot understand the divine rule of GOD, that every particle of the world and every event is bound to Almighty GOD’s meaningful order.
            How well said YOUR servant ‘SADİ’;
(The clouds, the winds, the moon, the sun, and all the stars are on duty, so that creatures can find their food. Let us eat our bread consciously.)
            My GOD! I pray of YOU. Protect us from unwariness, Let us be YOUR Just, right and grateful servants. Fill our hearts with praise and love, thanks and gratitude for YOU. Let our hearts be useful. Let us smile. Let us perceive the worth of YOUR generosity. Let us think over YOUR creating the earth, the sky and YOUR blessing in them.
            Therefor I pray of YOU to give us insight and effort that will lead us to maturity.
My GOD give mankind, the opportunity to live as a person ought to… Amen
Written in Turkish
By Ömer Fevzi Mardin -1952-

(With the impressions of the Holy Books)
(Oh my GOD!)

            As I inwardly call YOUR name, my heart trembles with YOUR love. I am not satisfied with addressing YOU, only as: ‘Oh GOD!’
            So, with my gushing feelings, I say: “Oh my GOD!
I belong to YOU. I am YOURS.”
            This blissful perception of YOUR existence, and the contentment of being
YOUR servant makes me to appreciate YOUR closeness. I want to be always near YOU. With the regular system of daily prayer, I repeat YOUR own words, that are found in the verses of the Holy Book. But this is not enough to worship YOU, and to explain my love and my gratitude for YOU. When I need something, or YOUR help I turned to YOU. But these could not be counted as simple and sincere offerings coming from one’s soul. I want to recite hymns that express my feelings, and my gratitude together with my love to YOU. As far as my speech lets me I praise YOU to YOUR own presence.
            Oh my GOD!
            Through chanting hymns, our inner sentiments can reach to YOU.
            With these melodious hymns, other people too, who are around, listen silently and inwardly join to the worship.
            Eventually a simple but fervent hymn of adoration turns to be a spiritual feast of worship, given in honor of the only CREATOR.
This is also like returning a valuable donation of a friend with a heart felt simple gift, expressing one’s love and thanks.

What a wonderful feeling it is to be able to reach up to the summit, to give a small present to one’s MASTER.
            Oh my GOD! In my daily prayers I tremble as a poor debtor. But when I recite a hymn, I am spiritually at rest. Daily prayer is a responsibility. But to recite a hymn is a favor from yourself. Oh my GOD! How important it is for YOUR faithful servant to be able to utter fervent words, and to make a lengthy inner speech, to his CREATOR, who is forever mighty and strong.
            My GOD! This is also a great need. Except YOU, my MASTER, to whom else can I mention about myself in detail? Who is so patient to listen?  Except YOU my ONLY ONE GOD, who is powerful to meet my expectations?
            Oh my GOD!
I belong to YOU. My heart is in YOUR hand.
And YOU fill it with YOUR love. This is YOUR gift as a favor. YOU are ONLY ONE GOD who knows everything.
YOU are the CREATOR who gives and who takes back. YOU own the souls that adore YOU and YOUR manifestations. All creatures and YOUR servants need YOUR mercy. The Holy Books bring Goodnews. YOU do not despise The unjustly treated ones. YO do not refuse the broken hearts.
            How well says YOUR servant David:
“Oh my GOD! YOU want a good heart. Let me thank YOU with a hymn sang for YOUR name’s sake. And let me rever YOU, with my gratitude. This will be accepted by YOU better than an ox or a calf with horns.”
Oh my GOD! YOU don’t want artfulness. YOU want purity.

            Oh my GOD!
            As YOU call YOUR dear servant Abraham’s name. YOU wish, him peace, too. And YOU say: “He came to ME with a pure heart.”
            “YOU accept the devotion even of a dumb or an illiterate person. YOU look only at his heart. YOU don’t value YOUR servant’s wealth. As YOU are the owner of everything. Poverty is ours. Richness is YOURS.
            Oh my GOD! In YOUR presence, I repeat the personal words of YOUR Honorable servants, hoping to gain YOUR blessing, for their sake. In YOUR land we are poor refugees. We beg of YOUR divine mercy YOUR favor. There is no sound that YOU don’t hear and no wish that YOU don’t listen, and no hand that YOU turn back. Because there is nothing that YOU don’t own. There is no activity that YOU don’t know. We all belong to YOU. We are for YOU.
            With YOUR affection and interest in us, we stand and walk. All our steps are with YOUR energy. Our breaths and minds are bound to YOU, as every
particle belongs to YOU.
            We live with the soul, that YOU offer from YOUR own light and spirit with YOUR favor we go on living successfully.
            Oh my GOD! With every breath I bow down in front of YOU. Amen.

(Depending on the verses)
(that I chose from the Holy BOOKS)

Oh my GOD! YOU are no more the only LORD,
belonging solely to the Israelites on the world,
and the Jews. (A)
And YOU are no more Jehovah. (B)
The seemingly veiled face of “GOD” of Jerusalem” (C) that looked down from the sky, who no longer remains in the boundaries of the city-walls of Jerusalem. Because childhood of humanity ended. They are grown up now.
Their dolls (D) are broken and scattered around. Neither their small or big puppets, nor the far away stars, or the sun (E) satisfy them; any longer. So they needed a closer GOD, and discovered YOUR existence in the essence of everything that is created by YOU. They saw YOUR beautiful face, that was hidden under the veil. And they turned to YOU. They opened their hearts and hands, towards YOU. They understood that YOU are the ONLY GOD and the ONLY CREATOR of everything. With this awakening, they spread all their sufferings and shed all their tears in front of YOUR door. YOURS is “The door of hope.”
            The only recourse, the only refuge is found within YOUR ‘BEATIFUL NAMES.’ The poor orphans stand at YOUR door. The doorsteps become a pillow for the helpless, the needy and the dumb ones. YOU are their lawyer. Debtors Accept YOU as their security. The oppressed people find assurance, the ailing ones become healthy the foreigners are safe at YOUR door.
            This is as if meeting again with the parents who were away for a long time. But above all, YOU are found in the hearts of the people. They were searching for YOU since ages. They were lonely. They found
Consolation in YOU. Because there is no head that YOU don’t caress. And no heart that is not enlightened with YOUR mercy. And no wrong deed that is left without a solution. There is no broken limb or crying eyes that YOU don’t heal or wipe. Besides being the only CREATOR YOU defend everyone. The divine light of YOUR existence, shines on every particle. There is no place without YOU.
And nothing out of YOU. Unless the vitality YOU offer there will be no life no peace no enjoyment and happiness anywhere.
            YOU let hearts to beat with YOUR mercy, and let the faces smile with YOUR favor.

            YOUR own love is reflected to those who live, or found in the universe, through the pure hearts, that are open to YOU.  With the attraction of YOUR love, all humanity and every created being is adjacent to YOU and is surrounded with YOUR divine light. All beings follow the path that YOU show. In need of YOUR help they put their heads on YOUR lap, while YOUR hand is above them.
            Oh my GOD!
For centuries long YOU hid YOURSELF in the bosom of Israelites. But is it forever possible for manhood not to admire YOUR greatness and not to see YOUR wonderful manifestations?
Because in the Eternity, YOU endowed only, the “MAN”, with the capability of carrying the responsibility of being alive on the world. Neither the earth nor the stars were able to bear this divine duty. Because even the infinity is not vast enough to include YOUR Majesty,
YOU prefer to enter into the hearts.
            Oh my GOD!
If YOU want, with YOUR power, in a moment YOU create the worlds or with an order YOU give an end to the whole universe. But YOU are kind.
How lucky are the generations of this epoch, to reach to the maturity of knowing believing and owning YOU.
            Today YOU belong to every religion. YOU are no more the (GOD of WRATH) of the (PERIOD of Childhood) of humanity. YOU are the benevolent (ONLY ONE GOD and the (ONLY CREATOR) who is praised for HIS closeness to HIS servants.

(A) The jews belonged to one of the twelve tribes of Israel. In the past an intrigant person wanted to bind the material and the Spiritual dependency of the Jews to himself. And turned them once again to idolatry.

            But, during the kingdom of a descendant of the exalted DAVID who Was faithful to the Unitarian religion of his ancestors, only the Jews Remained in Jerusalem.
(B) JEHOVAH is (Name of GOD). How HE made HIMSELF known to the Jews, through the exalted Prophet MOSES.
(C) Jerusalem is the historical name of Kudüs.
(D) Idols
(E) During the period of idolatry, mankind worshipped the sun, the moon and their idols.

(With the impressions I got from the HOLY BOOKS)

            Oh my graceful GOD! The beauty is found in YOU. Everything is from YOU and is YOURS. The sweetness and the attraction comes from YOU. And they turn to YOU. The sun gets its light from YOU the moon looks at YOUR face, the stars rejoice with YOUR existence. The flowers reflect YOUR beauty. The smiling faces are from YOUR charm. The life, the movement even the smallest vibration is with YOUR permission.
Oh my graceful GOD! Wherever I look. YOU are there.
            For thousands of years YOU showed sympathy to the pagan Children of ADAM who spent their lives playing with their earthen or stone toys. YOU endured their inconsideration and their indifference, until they grew up. YOU were patient.
            But if they increased their naughtiness sometimes to frighten them YOU sent down lightnings’, scolded with thunders or shook the earth and the sky.

            Sometime YOU called from “The Fire” and burned around with it. In the past, YOU seemed like “GOD of WRATH” to YOUR servants who were living in the period of childhood of humanity.
            Then YOU ruled with YOUR powerful discipline. But today they are  no more unwary. Now they know YOU as “GOD of LOVE” They don’t tremble with fear as before. But with their love for YOU they turn to YOU, to deserve YOUR mercy. They are always in need of YOU. But also they run to YOU, to offer their hearts. They wish to express their faith and their attachment to YOU, they are not searching for YOU in the temples of Jerusalem. They find YOU in their hearts and reach YOU there.
            So every heart becomes a (HOUSE of GOD) and every bosom becomes a (PLACE of ASCENT to DIVINITY).
            My GOD! YOU are not far.
Everybody goes to bed with YOU, and gets up with YOU. Manhood prefers to worship YOU with pure feelings instead of burnt offerings. (F)

(F)  Some scented plants or things that are burned by the Jews during prayers.

With the impressions I got from the HOLY BOOKS

            My dear GOD! Now there is no one who doesn’t know YOU. Even the small children tell YOU their wish, before they say to their mother. They feel closer to YOU more than their parents. Everyone of them opens his hand to YOU to ask for help. For every problem they refer at YOU. The only recourse the only refuge is found in YOUR presence. They see that every favor is YOURS. They understand that if YOU don’t give. what they want nobody else can give it. They learn that YOU are the ‘Only ONE’ who is powerful.  And whom they can trust.
They expect every grace from YOU.
            Everyone can make a mistake. YOU don’t.
Everyone may change. But YOU are not bound to any rule. The right to put rules, belongs to YOU.
Everyone can run away. But YOU don’t leave.
How happy are the people of this age to attain YOUR kindness. YOU let them, to mention about their sufferings, and their feelings YOU listen to them.
Everyone with his own language asks YOUR help.
YOU hear their inward prayers. Their sentiments, their ideas and all their pleadings reach to YOU through their mind and Hearts. Becoming purer, they try to win over their ambitions and their selfishness.
            Now YOUR flock does no more need a stick to be driven. YOUR flock walks on with YOUR spiritual inspiration. Because every member of the flock, is like a mature shepherd himself.

Who is donated with the wisdom, that is given to him, by YOU in order that, he may act with responsibility.
Now everybody’s Prophet, his place of worship and his GOD, is found in himself. So, no one is alone. YOU are always with YOUR servants. Because YOU do no more live in the sky.  YOU are the owner of the flock and all the creatures created by YOU.
            My GOD! All these manifestations, without any
Hesitation reflect YOUR will power and YOUR wisdom.
The sky is the roof of the world, where the hearts join to one another. The earth is a ground where humanity bows to YOU with adoration. The united hearts worship YOU with gratitude.
The universe is a vast space of sanctuary.
            Everyone works together, hand in hand, with the aim of reaching to the “Good Tidings” that are mentioned in the HOLY BOOKS.
            My GOD let everyone, try to get ready, to construct YOUR property and to reflect YOUR beauty.
Oh my GOD! In order to reach this period of perfection on the world grant to all mankind, insight and maturity.
Humanity begs of YOUR grace, unity, friendship, peace and love all over the universe.
Please accept all prayers. Amen!

Written in Turkish
in 1952
By Reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin
Translation by
Nihal Erem
Akasya Sağlık Merkezi

The Translation of a poem by YUNUS EMRE
A well known Sufi

Oh! My unique, only Sultan
            YOU are almighty and good.
            YOUR existence is certain
            My dear everliving GOD.
            Like YOUR divine favor
            That reflects YOUR light
            YOUR aimed wrath or anger
            Are also equally right.
What comes from YOU
Is always agreeable
Be it a fresh rose
Or a thorny bramble.
Either a silk hose
Or a rugged mantle.
All of them are YOUR mercy.
And for me, suitable.
YOU will make me weep
All day and night
If YOU will not keep
Sending up YOUR light
Even though, YOUR anger
Is grievous and doleful,
With YOUR mercy together
They make me grateful.
They make my soul peaceful.
            And all YOUR will is delightful.
            Either make me laugh
            Or make me cry
            Either let me live
            Or let me die
            YOUR faithful YUNUS
            Is YOUR slave.
            Loving YOU

Another version of the  translation of the poem
by YUNUS EMRE (A famous Turkish Sufi)

Oh my mighty SULTAN!
Ever existing ONLY ONE
Who will never decline.
My dear everliving GOD!
YOUR HOLY gifts are the best
But YOUR fire is also just.
YOUR grace and YOUR wrath.
Both of them have equal worth.
YOUR pity or YOUR anger
They are YOUR favor.
And for me an honor
Whatever comes from YOU
Is for me agreeable
Be it a fresh rose
Or a thorny bramble
Either a valuable silk robe
Or a dark death mantle
They are all desirable.
Like YOUR divine kindness
That reflect YOUR grace
YOUR mercy or YOUR distress
Are for me suitable.
If YOU will not bestow YOUR light
I shall weep all day and night
YOUR bless or YOUR flames bright
Are means to enlight.
They are for me acceptable.
An outward laughter
Is a gift from YOU
But an inward cry is better
Because it corrects too
When the glowing flames
Of the fire begin to burn
YOUR wrath ends. Forgiveness
And blessing come in turn.
Oh! My dear GOD
Either let me live
Or let me die
Everything YOU give
To devout Yunus
Makes him YOUR slave…
By Yunus Emre
A well known
Turkish Sufi
On account of the second “World War”
From our heart, from our language:
Ömer Fevzi Mardin
1952 (In Turkish)

Our thoughts
Looking away, with tearful eyes,
Opening our empty hands
With our trembling lips,
We implore of YOU: Save us.

The world is drowned in flood
It became a vast sea of blood.
Mothers, fathers and their brood,
Are swarming at YOUR door.

Civilized towns are in ruin.
All humanity is in pain.
Swords, illnesses and famine,
Threaten everywhere, in vain,

Oh my GOD! Bestow YOUR favor,
On the refugees who are so poor
And correct those who are in error.
Both on this world and in future.

We belong to YOU, as a being
We are from YOU, as every thing
Like our happiness, which is YOUR giving.
From YOU, comes sorrow, as a teaching.
Every existence is from YOUR light.
All things prove YOUR might.
But, our errors are not slight
So, soon give us insight.

Oh! My GOD. Let us be useful
To YOUR Kingdom over all.
Let us work together to fulfill
Our duty; deserving to rest as YOUR will.

Oh! My GOD, bestow on us maturity
Improve and guide us to security
And let us, attain YOUR mercy
Let us live like true men. Amen!...

To the memory of:
Reverend Ömer Fevzi Mardin
2015 N. E.


Ömer Fevzi Mardin
Book: 16
x x x

(The Translation)
(From Turkish-Into English)
(N.E. 2015)

Beginning with; the writer’s
x x x x x


Prayers for Children
In Rhyme
with additions
By Ömer Fevzi Mardin

This Book
Had been
Distributed by:

Ankara caddesi 62 Hilmi Kitapevi

Çeltut Printing

2- Quotations: (Taken from the Turkish translation) of an English Reading Book which is taught in English Primary Schools.

About the darkness of the night:
      In darkness I have no fear.
      As my GOD is so near.
      The blackness of the night.
      Disappears in my sight.
When I am asleep I rest there.
And my GOD is with me as ever.
He waits by my side everywhere.
So, I feel HIS safety and HIS care.
About instinct:
From the last lines of a poem on birds;
            GOD taught the birds to be useful.
            So they became skillful.
            To the children who ask about utility
            GOD teaches them their first duty.
About GOD’s will, and HIS Favor:
            To GOD belongs every being.
            To know this is a blessing.
            Nourishment is found with GOD’s grace.
            HIS kindness we always praise.
HE offers us bread and various food,
Fresh vegetables and delicious fruit.
Except GOD, who is so good?
To bring up, us well, is HIS main reason
All these are GOD’s generous donation.

Thanks giving:
(To thank is a debt)

            Let us look in wonder,
            At every tree and flower
            And let us to remember
            To thank GOD, for HIS favor.
Be honest:
            The debt of love and kindness is mine.
            Towards all and to everyone.
            My GOD does not indebt me
With any other duty.
To be able to thank YOU, fully
I beg to be correct, with YOUR mercy
If I borrow something or buy
I ought to give it back or pay.
And I must not forget
That, my GOD is alert.
If I can do every thing justly
As my GOD hopes of me
Then I shall be happy.

The condition of this is easy.
Listen and obey carefully
Believing in GOD, you can be
Honest, correct, right and trusty.


Evening Prayer:

                         -Part 1-

At night, going to my bed,
I entrust myself to my GOD.
If I die, before awakening
My soul will be gone to GOD, to be living.
                Part 2

When I lie in my cot
Silently I call my GOD.
I beg HIS mercy for the night
To wake up safely in daylight.



Morning Prayer:

                          -Part 1-

When I wake up in the morning
I begin every new day knowing.
That, GOD had spared me all night.
I plead of HIM, to let me be, upright.


                           -Part 2-

Getting up, to my GOD I pray
Hoping HIS grace, for all day.
My GOD! I wish that what I say or do
Will be approved by YOU.


Before every meal:

            With the grace of GODHOOD
            He grants us, our daily food.
            To thank GOD, for HIS favour.
            I wish to serve HIM, at any hour.


The Morning Hymn


Look! The day breaks
The darkness clears.
Every joyful sound,
Is heard around.


This time of the day,
Suits me, to pray.
Then, very glad, I feel.
And soon, to my GOD, I kneel.

This part is added by Ömer Fevzi Mardin

         The morning is quiet, I begin hopefully.
To repeat my prayers fervently.
Then my heart beats, as if to tell.
That chatting with GOD is so well.  


           Missing my GOD, I turn
To HIM with yearn.
Then my soul begins to say:
Our love will never decay.

          As I call my GOD sincerely,
            I hear HIS voice inwardly.
            Then all my particles begin to talk,
            About my pride, of being one of HIS folk.

            My GOD stood near me,
            Waiting and caring, kindly.
            So, under HIS shade of mercy
            All night I slept soundly.

I am awaken now.
My wish will be known
By my GOD. I am sure.
HE will let my heart be pure.

Never leave my mind empty
Let me remember YOUR pity
Keep YOUR love, as my part.
Always within my heart.


            The Evening Hymn

            The sun sat on the horizon,
            As always. Once again.
            Look! The grass is wet, with dew.
            That fall on the leaves, anew.

The birds every where
Choose a place to be there.
They want quietly to rest
And to sleep in a safe nest.

            The flowers are also ready
            To hide their own beauty,
            And they cover all, and their scent
            Under the spreading, dense mist.
            Also, I sleep all night
Deeply until daylight
And after a long rest
To wake up, is best.

For me there is no fear
As my GOD is always here.
And HE is near me all night.
Darkness turn into light, in my sight.

A conversation between:
A child and a teacher


            “Isn’t GOD in the sky?”
            “Can HE see me from above?”
            “ If I do something wrong now?”
                        “Yes my child, HE sees.”
                        “ Always. Day and night,”
                        “ HE wants you to be right.”


            “Isn’t GOD in the sky?”
            “Can HE know from far?”
            “ That I may be a liar?”
                        “ Yes my child, HE knows.”
                        “ Everything, HE can hear,”
                        “ Even if you whisper.”

            “ Isn’t GOD in the sky?”
            “ Then, how can I try?”
            “ To rise up, to say?”
            “ That I thank HIM every day?”
            “ Because of HIS care,”
            “ About my welfare?”
                        “ Yes my child.”
                        “ But, let going up, aside.”
                        “ Love GOD from where you stand”
                        “ If your heart is truly bound.”
                        “ You can be safe and sound. ”
                        “ So, your love will reach to GOD easily. ”
                        “ And HE knows everything instantly. ”

    (These questions express, children’s simple fancies.
But actually they show a child’s need, to be close
To one’s CREATOR who is an invisible protector.)

(*)       In the original text the conversation ends here. But now
            it goes on, with the additional parts written by Ömer Fevzi Mardin,
            (himself) to explain some facts, depending on the Holy Books.)

                        According to the KORAN:

            “ GOD is everywhere.”
            “ Wherever you turn your face, HE is there.”
            “ GOD is the light of the Earth and the skies.”
            “ HE is closer to the human beings more than, their jugular veins,”
            “ GOD enters into the hearts, and the souls of the human beings.”
            “ Wherever we are GOD is with us.” Ö. F. M.)

            “Isn’t GOD in the sky?”
            “Is HE holding my arm as I try,”
            “To climb the stairs that are high?”
                        “Yes my child, HE holds.’
                        “He always cares about you.”
                        “And knows, when and where, what you do.”
            “Isn’t GOD in the sky?”
            “Will HE catch my hand, as I try.”
            “To jump over a hole on a muddy way,”
                        “Yes my child, HE will fondly.”
                        “When you are in difficulty.”


-3- (*)
            “Isn’t GOD in the sky?”
            “Will HE protect me as I try.”
            “To sleep, staying by my side?”
                        “Yes my child HE protects.”
                        “And near you, HE stands,”
                        “Wherever you sleep in darkness.”


-4- (*)
            “Isn’t GOD in the sky?”
            “If I am lost, may I try,”
            “To ask HIS help, to find the way?”
                        “Yes my child. You may.”
                        “GOD is always everywhere.”
                        “HE is ready to save you there.”


-5- (*)
            “Isn’t GOD in the sky?”
            “Will HE keep the insects away,”
            “From the garden, as I play?”
                        “Yes my child, HE will.”
                        “Warms, bugs and any pest”

“Are withhold with GOD’s consent.”

            “Isn’t GOD in the sky?”
            “When I am painfully ill, may I try,”
            “To ask GOD’s help while I cry?”

            “Any time or anywhere, if you are ill”
            “A medicine, with merciful GOD’s will”
            “Gains healing power,”
            “To cure is HIS favor.”

            “Every knowledge originally belongs to GOD.
            “HE wants them to be known for people’s good.”
            “The doctors study medical science.”
            “After learning they succeed with GOD’s grace.”

            “Depending on GOD’s inspiration”
            “Progress always goes on”
            “And new medicines are found.”
            “They are used by the people all around.”

            “GOD gives to everyone’s mind.”
            “A new idea. To try to find,”
            “Better remedies that show the right road”
            “To teach, how to use them to feel good.”

            “Knowledge science and all arts.”
            “That enlight all human hearts.”
            “Reflect GOD’s real aim.”
            “Which is to offer gifts from HIM.”

            “GOD spreads HIS love all over.”
            “As a favor with HIS will power.”
            “HE is interested in every body.”
            “And reflects it, with everyone’s activity.”

            “So, always and with every opportunity.”
            “Let us be useful, working eagerly.”
            “With YOUR grace, for the sake of the people.”
            “Grant us a life without trouble.”



            “My GOD! Will YOU love me?”
            “If I give YOU sweets, may it be?”
            “Will YOU be content?”
            “When I give YOU a present?”
            “If YOU give sweets to somebody”
            “It is, as if given to GOD willingly.”
            “When YOU offer something to anyone,”
            “It means that for GOD’s sake it is done.”
            “Will it be right, if I go near.”
            “And kiss GOD, as my mother?”
            “May I caress HIM with cheer?”
            “As I embrace my father?”
            “If YOU love someone dearly.”
            “It means that you also love GOD deeply.”
            “If you hold HIS Book, on your bosom.”
            “It is like kissing GOD, as if a person.”
            “If you caress an orphan’s head,”
            “This will be, as if done by GOD.”
            “When YOU help someone with pity,”
            “Near you, GOD will be.”

            “GOD is nearer to the needy,”
            “More than anyone who is lucky.”
            “If you approach to the poor.”
            “You find GOD there as their saviour.”

            “Even small, if you give hoping to be good”
            “It is like a credit given to GOD.”
            “When you try to aid the people willingly.”
            “It means that you serve GOD, eagerly.”

            “If you believe, accept and obey the rules
            “And act kindly and be zealous.”
            “Towards the people, you will be.”
            “Surrounded with love accordingly.”

            “If you share your own food as your belief.”
            “Or be a partner to someone’s grief”
            “And from a neighbour, if you don’t spare”
            “You may be a person who is dear.”



            “Explain to me easily.”
            “And insert into my mind clearly.”
            “How GOD sees so quickly?”
            “And knows everything correctly.”

            “While I play in the meadow,”
            “As I fall into a hole below,”
            “How GOD knows it, without I call?”
            “And saves me before I fall?”

            “As my feet slip on the mud”
            “Just as I tumble into the pond,”
            “How GOD hears, before I ask HIS help?”
            “And holds my arm, and gives me hope?”

            “You ask so well my dear child,”
            “You are young, but to ask, to find,”
            “And to learn, is your right,”
            “Knowledge is a GOD’s grant.”

            “Listen to these carefully, my child,”
            “And imprint them into your mind,”
            “There is nowhere, that GOD is not present,”
            “And nothing, that GOD does not exist.”

            “GOD is found in all space,”
            “Both on Earth and the Skies.”
            “HE is the light of everything,”
            “GOD is the Soul of every being.”

            “Every particle in the sphere,”
            “Is, with GOD’s light together,”
            “There is nowhere, that GOD is not present,”
            “And nothing, that GOD is absent.”

            “We are born,  grew up and go on living,”
            “Always with GOD’s light, which is life giving,”
            “Assuring HIS interest in us, which is endless,”
            “Why do we wonder about GOD’s closeness?”

            “Who holds your hand,”
            “While your feet slip on mud?”
            “Who surrounds your waist,”
            “As you fall with haste.?

            “Accept this fact with your soul and your emotion.”
            “That you are under GOD’s protection,”
            “Never forget. HE is not apart,”
            “GOD is nearer to you, more than your heart.”

            “As you call your mother,”
            “Or anybody who is there,”
            “To help you willingly,”
            “When you are in difficulty,”

            “Before every person GOD hears your call.”
            “HE is the only SAVIOUR of all,”
            “And with HIS power and HIS help.”
            “You are protected from mishap.”

            “GOD always sees HIS creatures,”
            “And with HIS love to them, HE answers,”
            “The pleading ones with HIS zeal and pity.”
          “GOD’s order to save, happens with HIS mercy.”               

            “If you intend, while you are in trouble,”
            “To ask of GOD, who is always able,”
            “HE will send someone to help or save,”
            “You, with the permission HE gave.”

            “GOD is the only mighty RULER,”
            “The universe is in HIS power,”
            “HE commands every being,”
            “Small or big, without differing.”

            “Whether a single particle or the whole world,”
            “They live with GOD’s light surrounding all around,”
            “The stars, the sun and the moon,”
            “Always with HIS order turn.”

            “All wisdom and every emotion,”
            “The zeal and the action,”
            “That happen with GOD’s might”
            “Is the manifestation of HIS right.”
            “With the power of HIS light,”
            “GOD grants life,”
            “To the birds in their nests,”
            “Under the ground, to the ants.”

            “With the extent of HIS order”
            “GOD expresses HIS power,”
            “HIS will in every event,”
            “Is the divine fate.”

            “The notion of: (dark or light) and (far or near)”
            “The ability (to see and to hear)
            “(To choose and to want)…”
            “For the people are important.”

            “For GOD, there is no difficulty,”
            “HE knows every thing essentially,”
            “All happenings in the universe,”
            “Become with HIS will and HIS grace.”

            “GOD sees even the smallest particle,”
            “HE is not bound with time or any obstacle,”
            “For GOD there is neither a (first) nor a (secret),”
            “Nothing is separate or different.”


            “GOD knows every event,”
            “Before it becomes apparent,”
            “And whatever GOD wants to order,”
            “It happens according to HIS will-power.”
            “Neither a leaf from the tree,”
            “Nor a sparrow is free,”
            “To fall down or to fly away,”
            “Unless GOD permits them to try.”

            “Every quality, faculty and sensitivity,”
            “Found in the universe belongs to GOD’s mercy,”
            “They are reflected duly from HIS own source,”
            “To lead the living ones to the right course.”

            “When questions are asked by the children,”
            “Surely, they will be glad to learn,”
            “And to receive the correct answer,”
            “Which is given to them with GOD’s favor.”

            “I thank GOD for HIS offering.”
            “The joy of waking up, every morning,”
            “On a new day, healthy, safe and sound,”
            “With a faithful heart, who is, to HIM bound.”

            “Knowledge and feeling are people’s strength,
            “Without them, life will turn to a kind of death,”
            “Carelessness to the needs and the problems of society,”
            “Will lead one to repent, and to be unhappy.”

            “To the one who searches for the truth,”
            “Reasoning, ideas and wisdom show the path,”
            “And with the guidance of GOD’s light,”
            “The heart finds the road which is right,”
            “If one dos’nt depend on GOD’s favor,”
            “HE cannot offer anything with order,”
            “If he dos’nt believe in HIS grace.”
            “He will not eagerly help others.”


            “A person who dos’nt know GOD’s interest,”
            “In all HIS creatures,”
            “He is usually suspicious and lonely,”
            “Not showing real friendship to anybody.”

            “To be ignorant about GOD’s closeness,”
            “Resembles to a child who is fatherless,”
            “And the worst kind of poverty,”
            “Is to loose hope of GOD’s pity.”

            “The one who takes refuge in GOD’s Power”
            “Of support, is always stronger,”
            “Than someone who is unaware”
            “Of HIS assist everywhere,”

            “The one who supposes himself as capable”
            “Thinks that he is above of other people,”
            “But lives with the fear of loosing, in his heart,”
            “So he can even cheat without any regret.”

            “The one who dos’nt trust in GOD, is selfish,”
            “He will think about how to accomplish,”
            “To boy more, to snatch and to possess,”
            “This is his aim and his idea of success.”

            “For a one, how good it is, to be happy”
            “And walk on the right road willingly,”
            “For a person who is always honest”
            “To be true and correct is the best.”

            “He will not deceive or swindle”
            “For others he will not be a trouble,”
            “With abusing he will not offend or hurt anyone”
            “As if burning his house, or pulling it down.”

            “He is eager to be good and nice,”
            “And will not spare any sacrifice”
            “For others he dos’nt bear grudge,”
            “And will not try to take revenge.”

            “As he knows that, every created being”
            “Belongs to GOD and has a meaning,”
            “For GOD’s sake, he helps everyone around him,”
            “Taking care he looks after them.”

            “Such a one, is respectful and gentle”
            “And feels himself close to the people,”
            “Without complain he runs after their problem,”
            “For GOD sake he will attempt to save them.”

            “He returns someone’s bad or wrong comment,”
            “With his right and calm behavement,”
            “And so he becomes a correct sample,”
            “For many other people.”

            “During his life, with his every step,”
            “He depends on GOD’s graceful help,”
            “And trusting HIM, he is saved from fright,”
            “So his heart beats soundly, due to GOD’s right.”

            “Even if one changes his own direction,”
            “He will go on with his occupation,”
            “Whoever neglects his duty,”
            “He will not leave his responsibility.”

            “Except GOD he wants nothing”
            “From any other living being,”
            “And he dos’nt ask a favor,”
            “In return to his effort.”

            “While in life wherever he is found”
            “He praises GOD with his inner sound”
            “As a moral duty he takes care”
            “Of a needy one’s health or welfare.”

            “Love GOD. Also by talking, enlight others”
            “About HIS matchless favors and offers”
            “This will lead some people to learn GOD’s mercy”
            “Which is so vast to include everybody.”


“Going to bed I pray

            “Oh my GOD! Inwardly I wish to put my head”
            “In stead of a pillow onto YOUR door mat,”
            “And feeling that YOU are near me”
            “To sleep, surrounded with YOUR safety.”

         “ Both YOUR light YOUR love, is every where”
         “ YOUR interest in YOUR creatures is forever, ”
           “ YOU tend everyone as YOU always do,”
            “Because we all belong only to YOU.”

            -Resignation to GOD-         

            “Oh my GOD! YOU own me”
            Like my soul and my body”
            All my life too.”
            They are favors of YOU.”
            Fully believing in YOUR mercy;”
            I leave myself to YOU willingly.


            “Everything happens with GOD’s spirit”
            “And life goes on as HIS precious gift.”
            “My every particle and all my cells”
            “Are wrought with GOD’s kindness.”

            “To see to hear and to feel are faculties”
            “That originate in GOD’s light as HIS mercies.”
            “Every movement and every affair”
            “Happens with GOD’s power.”

            “The limbs, such as arms and legs”
            “And the organs inside the bodies”
            “Occupy their proper place”
            “As GOD creates with HIS grace.”

            “Each of them, with GOD’s might”
            “Work regularly day and night”
            “Though I am not aware of this activity.”
            “With GOD’s knowledge vitality goes on m harmony.”

           “Millions of workers”
           “Perform YOUR orders”
           “Each one with a special duty”
           “Does his job in my body.”

           “In the universe every living being”
           “And created any other thing”
  “Has a function in this world”
  “Designed and organized only by GOD.”

  “Every hand is in GOD’s palm.”
  “Needing the full aid of HIM”
           “Without GOD’s divine grace”
           “All of them will remain helpless”

  “Nobody has a power of his own.”
  “But everyone witnesses to this phenomenon”
  “Only with astonishment and admiration”
           “And fully believing in GOD’s good intention”
           “About taking care of HIS creatures”
           “There is nothing else to do besides”
           “To embrace GOD with eagerness”

             “And thank HIM for all HIS favors.”